Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Tragedy of Othello

I took my senior students to see a Shakespeare play and while most of them behaved themselves, I am amazed by how similiar our youth are to Shakespeare's audience. The audience for the play was composed of seniors, honors 11th and 10th graders and still they talked through the entire play, hooted and whistled because the characters were attractive and laughed at inappropiate moments. I had to block out laughing as a character mourned the death of another character. If our youth is really this corse then I imagine that we are in for a world of hurt. It scares me that students can't figure out how to behave in this world and have zero self restraint. Fortanetly I will be and am an optimist if we don't try to change the situation then it falls back on our shoulders. As for the parents that are raising these kids well god help them. The method of letting kids make decisions and being sweet and positive discipline turns them into spoiled rotten self centered children who grow up to be spoiled rottten self centered adults. What an eye-opener!!

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