Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer School

So I had planned on taking June off and enjoy my summer. I was signed up for several training sessions to improve my teaching and had a large stack of books to read for fun. So what am I doing? I'm teaching summer school. I can't complain though. I learned a week ago that my landlord wants to sell the home I rent when our lease is over. So I have until the end of the year to decide what to do and take action. One day later after receiving the news, an opportunity to teach an additional three weeks of summer school landed in my lap in addition to the two I planned on teaching in July. So while I had to give up some of my plans and desires in order to earn more money, I am feeling blessed that God continues to provide for my family and me. So I had to sacrifice something I wanted- but the rewards are much greater. What is most surprising is how much fun I am having teaching. I've heard many times over how terrible summer school is- how desperate someone would have to be for money in order to lower themselves to teach summer school. I was surprised about how enthused our least motivated students were when I was teaching them. It was a ton of fun. The students really change their mind set in summer school. Unlike the school year when six classes a day overwhelms they can handle one class very well and the teaching is continuous. I am truly amazed by how much they learned and the confidence they gained. Now I only had the students for one week- half of a session- but WOW these kids would typically fail and choose to do nothing in a regular classroom. They really came through for me and for themselves. I had no idea it would be such a rewarding experience. Let's hope my group of students next week are just as much fun as this group was.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Yahoo School is Over!

I can't tell you how relieved I am that the school year is nearly over. I've been working so hard and I need some down time. Not to mention I need some time to recharge and start working the great ideas I've stumbled across over the past few months. So I'm gonna kick up my heels and relax.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Shanee's First Communion

Shanee made her First Communion on Sunday. I was so proud of her. She wore my dress- and she got to carry the wreath of flowers for the statue of Mary. I almost cried but couldn't as I was singing in the church choir.